Commonwealth Sustainability Week
October 4, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am EDT
Join the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s GreenGov Council and Penn State Sustainability for the 3rd Annual Sustainability Week, October 2-6. This annual celebration examines the work being done by the state government and other partners to advance key sustainability goals across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This year, daily webinars will focus on key priorities needed to advance climate-related goals and actions and illustrate some of the many innovations already serving Pennsylvanians that you can get involved in. All events are online and free and open to all–pre-registration is required here.
See our schedule of events below:
Monday, 10/2 @ 1:00 PM — 2023 Commonwealth Sustainability Week Kickoff – Sustainability Leadership
GreenGov Council Secretary Co-Chairs:
Cindy Adams Dunn, Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
Reggie McNeil, Department of General Services
Richard Negrin, Department of Environmental Protection
Join the Secretaries of DCNR, DGS & DEP as they highlight the importance of sustainability and the Commonwealth’s leadership on climate change. Have a sustainability or climate question for one of the Secretaries? Questions may be submitted in advance to the GreenGov Resource Account
Tuesday, 10/3 @ 10:30 AM — Preparing for a Changing Climate: Building a Resilient Pennsylvania
Peter Boger, Ph.D., Assistant Director for Community Outreach and Engagement, Penn State Sustainability
Erica A. H. Smithwick, Professor of Geography and Ecology, Penn State University, College of Mineral Sciences
Randy Padfield, Director, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)
Join in as we discuss the impact of recent extreme weather and climate events on our lives and environment and how we plan to be prepared to respond to future extreme events.
Wednesday, 10/4 @ 10:00 AM — Join the Movement – PA Climate Network Participation & Training Opportunities
A. Stevens Krug, AIA, PE, LEDap, AEE Fellow, Principal, Krug Architects
David A. Althoff Jr., Energy Programs Office Director, PA Department of Environmental Protection
Shaunna Barnhart, PhD, Place Studies Program Director, Bucknell Center for Sustainability and the Environment
Katie Hess, Pennsylvania Landscape Conservation Director, South Mountain Partnership Director, Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Katie Yoder, Environmental Sustainability Analyst, The Hershey Company
Join in for an introduction of the Pennsylvania Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience Network, highlighting our vision to connect, educate and advance climate solutions – all are invited to participate!
Thursday, 10/5 @ 9:00 AM — Building the Workforce of Tomorrow
Mark Hand, GreenGov Director
Brian Regli, Ph.D., Executive Director of Critical Investments, PA Office of the Governor
Alison Diehl, Executive Director of the Green Energy Center, Penn College of Technology
Join us as we explore climate-related employment and career opportunities, linking students to employers and effectively creating the next generation of climate leaders.
Friday, 10/6 @ 10:00 AM — Fostering Resilient Communities – Local Climate Action and Planning
Michael Walsh, Deputy Secretary, Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
Lindsay A. Byron, P.G., CC-P, Environmental Group Manager, Energy programs office, PA Dept. of Environmental Protection
Cathy Tulley, Environmental Programs Manager, Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC)
Becky A. Bradley, AICP, Executive Director of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Additional speakers to be added
Join in to learn how climate planning leads to more resilient communities. Discussion will highlight climate action, funding opportunities, and the benefits of the DEP Climate Program.