About the Program

The Sustainable Lab Program is motivated by the recognition that research itself contributes to sustainability challenges by being naturally energy and resource intensive. Penn State is taking on this challenge by partnering with the nonprofit My Green Lab (MGL), and utilizing their certification program that assesses 14 target areas for behavioral change. 

Program Overview

Each participating lab commits to:

  • appointing a My Green Lab Coordinator (MGLC)
  • taking the MGL survey
  • reviewing the resulting report
  • making some improvements over the course of six months during an academic year (fall and spring semesters)
  • retaking the survey for a final rating by My Green Lab

Educational support and networking opportunities are provided to participating researchers by MGL and the Sustainable Labs Leadership Team guiding the project. Labs have the option of being paired with a paid undergraduate student, a Sustainable Lab Consultant (SLC), who is trained by Penn State Sustainability staff to support the researchers’ desired improvements. Each MGL Coordinator (MGLC) mentors the undergraduate student.

Since this program’s inception in September 2022, labs have:

  • closed fume hoods
  • replaced hazardous chemicals
  • learned more about sustainable practices
  • turned off and/or unplugged unused equipment
  • turned up ultra-low freezers as part of the MGL Freezer Challenge

These changes not only save money and reduce the University’s greenhouse gas emissions, but they also improve safety, all while maintaining the integrity of the research. The Leadership Team will be quantifying the impacts of these changes at the end of the program’s first year.

Program Benefits:

This project supports progress towards Penn State’s strategic goals by:

  • enhancing student success by preparing our graduates to be future problem solvers and attractive candidate for jobs
  • growing interdisciplinary research excellence
  • fostering a sense of belonging through creation of a network of students and researchers working on these issues together 
  • maximizing our operational efficiencies and savings

As national granting institutions incorporate sustainability into project applications, this program will enhance Penn State’s competitiveness in grant applications. This program is already producing operational efficiencies through better equipment management practices, product selections, and waste reductions. With a second year of this pilot, a full calculation of the savings will be possible. 

Program History

Penn State, a Tier 1 Research University with over $1 billion in annual research expenditures, is proud of its interdisciplinary approaches to solving local and global problems, many of which address sustainability challenges. The research lab environment has its own sustainability challenges. For example, Penn State research represents 45% of the University’s energy consumption, yet only 21% of the space. This environment also provides a strong training ground for learning about sustainable research practices.

The Sustainable Lab Program was launched to improve daily behaviors and decisions by researchers without compromising research quality and productivity while reducing negative impacts.  

In 2022-23, the first year, the project was implemented in 25 labs and involved over 200 researchers across five colleges and two Commonwealth campuses. Five of these labs were each paired with a paid undergraduate student, a Sustainable Lab Consultant (SLC), who were trained by Penn State Sustainability staff to support the lab members’ desired improvements.  

Recognizing the educational value of offering undergraduate students hands-on experiential learning, the University’s Sustainable Labs Leadership Team created a formal educational training curriculum introducing a cohort of five selected Sustainable Lab Ambassador (SLA) (renamed Sustainable Lab Consultants, or SLCs, in 2024) students to sustainable research practices and behavior change approaches. In 2022-23, each student was paired with an Engineering lab because their stipend was funded by a grant from the College of Engineering’s Leonhard Center.

The anticipated financial savings, energy and waste reduction, and lower environmental impact, were accompanied by education and training of the researchers for conducting tasks in more sustainability-minded ways. For the student researchers, the training makes their skills highly valuable for future career opportunities in academia and industry.

For the second pilot year in the 2023-24 academic year, the program expanded the cohort of SLC students to 15 and 25 new labs.  

Penn State’s Sustainable Lab Program Recognized Internationally

In the fall of 2023, Penn State’s Sustainable Lab Program was recognized for its unique approach to promoting experiential learning and environmental stewardship by The International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) with an Honorable Mention in its Sustainable Laboratory Awards program

The award was given for the approach of developing and operating the Sustainable Lab Consultant (formerly Sustainable Lab Ambassador) program to support research labs as they shift towards more sustainable practices.

The I2SL Sustainable Laboratory Awards recognize projects, programs, and people that decrease greenhouse gas emissions, improve water and energy efficiency, divert waste from landfills, and promote sustainable best practices.

Sustainable Lab Consultants

The Penn State Sustainable Lab Consultant (SLC) program is an engaged scholarship approach to creating a more sustainable research lab culture and operation, while preparing researchers to build a more sustainable world in their future careers.    

Recognizing the educational value of offering undergraduate students hands-on experiential learning, the SLCs receive formal educational training about sustainable research practices and behavior change approaches. Each student is paired with a research laboratory and provided a $1400 stipend in exchange for working approximately 3 hours a week throughout the academic year.

The SLCs familiarize themselves with the lab’s research, instruments, and members as well as Penn State and My Green Lab resources. They engage with a structured training curriculum to learn about sustainability concepts, effective communication strategies, project management approaches, and behavior change motivators. Throughout the year, they put their knowledge and skill sets into action to inform, support, and augment desired improvements in research practices determined by the members of their lab.

In the 2023-24 academic year, the program is expanded the SLC cohort to 15 undergraduate students. For the 2024-25 academic year, the program is supporting three senior SLCs who will work with both the Leadership Team and the other SLCs, two second year SLCs who will be paired with labs, and eleven first year SLCs.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Have a major or minor in a STEM field
  • Foundational knowledge about sustainability gained from active participation in a sustainability-focused club or campus activity and/or successful completion of one or more of the courses on this list  
  • Entering at least their 2nd year of undergraduate study
  • Willing and able to spend an average of ~3 hours per week working with the program throughout the academic year

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Leadership experience
  • Teamwork and collaboration skills
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills

Students can apply through this form.

I feel like the most common misconception about sustainability is that it is only about material things….sustainability is much more than that. Sustainability is composed of having a mindset geared to the future rather than the present.

(A Sustainable Lab Consultant)

Register now for an info session to apply for the 2025-26 cohort!

The Sustainable Labs Program will be offering two info sessions hosted over zoom for labs interested in applying for the next cohort of participants. This info session will give you some background on the program, an overview of the requirements for participating labs, and offer an opportunity for you to clarify any questions you may have.

Feb 18, 2025 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada). Register Here.

Feb 21, 2025 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada). Register Here.

Info sessions will be recorded- attending or viewing the recording is a requirement for labs to apply.

Questions can be directed to Jack Rumery (jackery7@psu.edu).

Quick Links

Sustainable Lab Consultant (SLC) applications for the 2025-26 academic year are now open!

Undergraduates at all Penn State campsues are encouraged to apply for the next SLC cohort. The application can be found here, or in the sidebar of this webpage. More information is provided below and in the application, please direct any questions related to the SLC program to Krista Bailey (kbailey@psu.edu).

Applications are currently being considered on a rolling basis and the labs leadership team will follow up individually with applicants.

My Green Lab Certification

Penn State has an established partnership with My Green Lab (MGL) and has adopted their Certification program as a core component of our University’s Sustainable Lab Program. MGL is widely recognized as the gold standard in sustainable lab practices, endorsed by the UN Race to Zero Campaign. While approximately fifty percent of MGL’s clients are pharmaceutical and chemical companies, they are actively expanding their work with universities. Unlike standard sustainability checklists, MGL’s program focuses on fostering behavior changes and sparking meaningful discussions among researchers about opportunities for improvement across fourteen key categories:

Participating labs are supported with networking opportunities, connections to existing Penn State sustainability resources, and other educational materials supplied by the Leadership Team and MGL.  Each participating research group is expected to appoint a lead coordinator (MGLC) to be the liaison between their members, the MGL manager, and the Leadership Team.

Throughout the initial six-to-eight-month process, which takes place during an academic year beginning in the fall semester, the participating labs attend a program orientation and complete the MGL survey of research practices for which the group will receive a detailed report, based on their submissions, of sustainability strengths and opportunities for improvements.

The second phase of the project is where the fun begins: identifying which changes the researchers want to implement over a six-month period, after which the members retake the assessment and receive a certification rating that is valid for two years. After two years, labs may choose to recertify. The process is illustrated below.

The MGL program is well suited for research labs that conduct their research using cold storage, fume hoods, chemicals, and consumables.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fill out the application above to be considered for the next cohort of labs.

Research labs can apply to participate in the My Green Lab Certification process through Penn State’s Sustainable Lab Program.

Undergraduate students can apply to become a Sustainable Lab Consultant.

Individuals or units interested in supporting the program financially or programmatically should contact the Sustainable Labs Leadership Team at sustainablelabs@psu.edu

The same email address can be used if you have questions about the program.

For academic institutions, the definition of a lab tends to be straightforward and is typically defined by the space run by and people who work for a particular Principal Investigator (PI)…Our assessment survey asks questions about equipment use, lab practices around purchasing, chemicals and reagents, and waste disposal. Hence, we encourage defining a lab as a group of people occupying a common area, using shared equipment, and doing similar laboratory work. The lab can be made as big or as small as preferred– keeping in mind that the definition of the lab will dictate the granularity of insights into the lab’s behaviors.” (MyGreenLab.org)

For next year’s cohort of SLCs, eligible students will:

  • Have a major or minor in a STEM field
  • Bring foundational knowledge about sustainability gained from active participation in a sustainability-focused club or campus activity and/or successful completion of one or more of the courses listed on this list  
  • Be entering at least their 2nd year of undergraduate study
  • Be willing and able to spend an average of ~3 hours per week working with the program throughout the academic year

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Leadership experience
  • Teamwork and collaboration skills
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills

There is no financial cost to labs for participation.  Lab investment includes time, attention, intention, and thoughtfulness. Coverage for the $400 enrollment fee in the MGL Certification program has been secured by the program’s Leadership Team from a variety of sources. There is no additional cost to Labs to host a Sustainable Lab Consultant.

Spread over the course of an academic year (Fall and Spring semesters), it takes an average of 3 hours per month to participate in this program. Each lab also appoints a My Green Lab Coordinator (MGLC) to lead the effort. This person will spend a bit more monthly if an SLC is assigned to their lab due to their mentorship efforts.

No.  There are two tracks for completing the My Green Lab certification program at Penn State – one includes SLC support and the other does not. In both tracks, the lab identifies one person to serve as the My Green Lab Coordinator (MGLC).  The MGLC is the lab’s leader for the certification process and participates in occasional activities designed to provide info, support, and resources.  If an SLC is assigned to assist, then the MGLC also serves as their mentor.

There is no additional cost to a Lab to host an SLC.

Congratulations to the labs that have attained My Green Lab Certification!

Earth and Mineral Sciences

Rock and Fluids Lab; James Miller

Liu’s Unconventional Geomechanics Lab/Shimin Liu Research Lab

The Center for Critical Minerals (C2M) Lab; Ron Wasco and Sarma V. Pisupati, Lab Director

Center for Quantitative Imaging; Ianna Gomez Mendez and Odette Mina, Lab Director, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories, IEE

Earth History Computational Lab; Liz Hajek

Earth-Atmosphere Interactions Lab/Ken Davis Research Lab

J.P. Maria Research Lab

Dr. Josh Robinson Lab* 

College of Engineering 

Kappe Environmental Engineering Labs

Chmely Research Group; Dr. Steve Chmely

Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optics Lab; Dr. Zhiwen Liu

Dr. Ramakrishnan Rajagopalan Group

College of Health and Human Development 

Behavioral Neurogenetics Laboratory; Helen Kamens

Dr. Tom Gould Lab

College of Agricultural Science 

Dr. Jason Kaye Lab 

Eberly College of Science 

Dr. Charles T. Anderson Lab

Dr. Christine Keating Lab

Dr. Manuel Llinas Lab

Dr. Cui Zu Chang Lab* 

Dr. Danielle Hickey Lab*

Dr. Zhiqiang Mao Lab*

Materials Research Institute 

Materials Characterization Lab; Dr. Max Wetherington 

*collaborating labs within the Penn State Center for Nanoscale Science – a NSF funded Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)

Penn State Altoona

Penn State Behrend

Penn State Harrisburg

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

College of Engineering 

College of Health and Human Development

College of Agricultural Science 

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Eberly College of Science