Each college and unit at Penn State is invited to create a Sustainability Council. The purpose of a Sustainability Council is to strategically advance the University’s sustainability goals from within each unit while also recognizing that units may have particular priorities and unique goals around sustainability. Each Sustainability Council is headed by a chair and is composed of faculty, staff, and (ideally) students. Councils are seated by the Dean, VP, or Chancellor to provide leadership and ensure their college/campus is thinking comprehensively about sustainable across multiple fronts, including research, teaching, operations, and external engagement. Chairs play a key role in identifying short- and long- term sustainability goals and strategies, creating a sustainability charter for the unit, and aligning the unit’s unique mission and goals with the sustainable development goals of UN Agenda 2030. Below is a regularly updated list of current councils, chairs and charters.
If you are interested in learning more about the Sustainability Councils, Chairs, and Charters process, please contact Peter Boger, Penn State Sustainability Director for Engagement, at pgb45@psu.edu.

College of Arts & Architecture
Mihyun Kang
Council Chair
Sustainability Charter
Sustainability Website

Smeal College of Business
Suvrat Dhanorkar
Council Chair
Sustainability Charter
Sustainability Website

College of Health and Human Development
David Vandenbergh
Council Chair
Sustainability Charter
Sustainability Website

College of Information Sciences and Technology
Council Chair

Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
Erin Kitt-Lewis
Council Chair
Sustainability Charter
Sustainability Website

Eberly College of Science
Charles T. Anderson
Council Chair
Sustainability Charter
Sustainability Website