Garden Grow How

Heritage Hall, HUB-Robeson Center

Gardeners of all ages, experience levels and garden sizes are [...]


Farming While Black Free Watch Party

HUB Freeman Auditorium 201 Old Main, University Park, PA, United States

Join us for a viewing of Farming While Black, a [...]


Northeast Student Farmer Conference

Huck Life Sciences Building, University Park

The second annual Northeast Student Farmer Conference brings together a [...]


WPSU Multicultural Children’s Festival

State College Area High School 650 Westerly Parkway, State College, PA, United States

Make plans to bring your family to WPSU-TV and PBS [...]

Solar Eclipse Viewing Event

Penn State Scranton 120 Ridgeview Drive, Dunmore, PA, United States

The eclipse of the sun on April 8 will be [...]
