Sustainability Showcase — Sarah Potter, Out of the Cold
September 3, 2021
DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES TODAY’S SHOWCASE HAS BEEN POSTPONED. We apologize for the inconvenience and will try to reschedule Sarah in November. Please join us for next Friday’s online Showcase with Ken Ilgunas.
Join us for the first Sustainability Showcase of the 2021-22 year, hosted by Penn State’s Sustainability Institute. Our first speaker is Sarah Potter, Program Manager of Out of the Cold Centre County, speaking about issues of homelessness in our area and especially the additional needs and concerns driven by the COVID pandemic.
The Sustainability Showcases make connections between faculty research, personal and professional interest and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals while broadening the discourse surrounding sustainability. Speakers are invited to give a 45-minute talk, answer questions and hang around to mingle with attendees.
Facing COVID-19 and climate change, and having national conversations about racism and anti-Blackness in America, has made it clear — as last year’s Showcase theme suggested, the time to act for a more sustainable world is now. The Penn State community can and should be at the forefront of this change.
This is why our theme this year is theme of – Driving it Home – exploring the origins and meanings of home, identify local social and environmental issues that hit home for students and other attendees, and empower attendees to begin addressing those issues to make communities more resilient.