Congratulations to the first group of Penn State labs to attain My Green Lab Certification!

Earth and Mineral Sciences

Rock and Fluids Lab; James Miller

Liu’s Unconventional Geomechanics Lab/Shimin Liu Research Lab

The Center for Critical Minerals (C2M) Lab; Ron Wasco and Sarma V. Pisupati, Lab Director

Center for Quantitative Imaging; Ianna Gomez Mendez and Odette Mina, Lab Director, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories, IEE

Earth History Computational Lab; Liz Hajek

Earth-Atmosphere Interactions Lab/Ken Davis Research Lab

J.P. Maria Research Lab

Dr. Josh Robinson Lab* 

College of Engineering 

Kappe Environmental Engineering Labs

Chmely Research Group; Dr. Steve Chmely

Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optics Lab; Dr. Zhiwen Liu

Dr. Ramakrishnan Rajagopalan Group

College of Health and Human Development 

Behavioral Neurogenetics Laboratory; Helen Kamens

Dr. Tom Gould Lab

College of Agricultural Science 

Dr. Jason Kaye Lab 

Eberly College of Science 

Dr. Charles T. Anderson Lab

Dr. Christine Keating Lab

Dr. Manuel Llinas Lab

Dr. Cui Zu Chang Lab* 

Dr. Danielle Hickey Lab*

Dr. Zhiqiang Mao Lab*

Materials Research Institute 

Materials Characterization Lab; Dr. Max Wetherington 

*collaborating labs within the Penn State Center for Nanoscale Science – a NSF funded Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)