The university publishes SDG progress in the Sustainability Institute biennial report, in the Penn State Sustainability e-newsletter Mainstream (link goes to Mainstream archives), and on SDG11 in news and journal articles. Reports on SDG11 can be accessed using the Pure Elsevier search and on our SDG11 webpage by clicking the Publications icon. We track progress on SDG11 in our STARS report section EN-10 Community Partnerships about efforts towards inclusion, resource efficiency, and more. These include the Sustainable Communities Collaborative which connects faculty, students and staff with local communities to address sustainability challenges through an engaged, collaborative effort to help develop and support thriving, healthy communities; and the Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program, a federal-state-university partnership whose annual reports catalog the environmental impact of client activity including the reduction of air emissions, carbon dioxide production, kilowatts and water consumption. 


Learn more about Penn State’s progress on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals HERE and on progress towards SGD 17 HERE.