ESSC Climate Dynamics Seminar Series
January 27, 2021 @ 11:15 am - 12:30 pm EST
The Earth System Science Center has announced the lineup for its spring 2021 Climate Dynamics seminar series. The series will focus on the cutting-edge climate research being conducted in the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute and the Climate Science dual-title graduate program in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at Penn State. The seminars, which are free and open to the public, take place from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays via Zoom.
Links to the individual seminars are available on the ESSC website.
The schedule is as follows:
- Jan. 27: Sridhar Anandakrishnan, geosciences, “Glaciers and sea level in a warming climate: EESI contributions to the field”
- Feb. 3: Gregory Jenkins, meteorology and atmospheric science, “Climate justice as the intersection of climate science, environmental justice and social justice”
- Feb. 17: Kate Freeman, geosciences, “Molecular signatures of ancient climate”
- Feb. 24: Alan Taylor, geography, “Climate and human influences on fire in California forests”
- March 3: Jose Fuentes, meteorology and atmospheric science, “Arctic climate change and trace-gas cycles”
- March 10: Alfonso Mejia, civil and environmental engineering, “A data-driven framework to operationalize a city’s resilience to climate-induced supply shocks”
- March 24: Rebecca Bird, anthropology, “Climate, landscape diversity and food sovereignty in indigenous Australia”
- Apr. 14: Kristina Douglass, anthropology, “An oral history project and its ties to climate adaptation in southwest coastal Madagascar”
- Apr. 21: Erica Smithwick, geography, “Envisioning a climate consortium: What is a university’s role in combating climate change?”
The Earth System Science Center is directed by Michael E. Mann, distinguished professor of atmospheric sciences, and supported by the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute. For more information about the Climate Dynamics seminar series, please contact Danny Brouillette, associate director of ESSC, at danny.brouillette@psu.edu.