2022 Hankin Distinguished Lecture
November 2, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EDT
| FreeJack Hébert, founder of the Cold Climate Housing Research Center and senior research advisor at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will present “Indigenous Wisdom and 21st Century Technology: Building Science from the Far North.” He will share demonstration projects and research of the Cold Climate Housing Research Center from the past 22 years based upon applied research and close collaboration with the North’s First People. Indigenous populations in the Arctic have faced challenges and continue to adapt proving their resilience while staying connected to the land and environment. Often, the Western perspective focuses on living on a particular piece of land versus the indigenous perspective of being one with the land. Throughout his presentation, Hébert will highlight how vital the indigenous perspective is for humanity’s survival and well-being. The Arctic is experiencing dramatic and accelerating impacts of a changing climate, in which acknowledgement and inclusion of indigenous people is critically important to help guide our path forward. The health of the planet and its people will need both indigenous wisdom and 21st Century technology to ensure the next 500 generations have a home here.