GreenGov Council & Penn State Sustainability Institute’s Sustainability Webinar Series 2
February 12, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm EST
Motivating Behavior Change for Sustainability
Karen Winterich will explain factors that influence sustainable behavior, citing examples from her research on pro-social behavior, recycling, and morality.
Learn how you to motivate more sustainable actions, both within your offices and in initiatives aimed at the public.
The GreenGov Council and Penn State’s Sustainability Institute are co-hosting our second monthly webinar series on various sustainability topics. All who are interested in expanding their knowledge of sustainability initiatives are invited to participate!
Our goal is to make this series a successful venture to support the commonwealth’s progress toward sustainability goals set forth in the Governor’s Executive Order 2019-01. To that end, please forward this invitation along to all those who may be interested.