Yes, Penn State has a recycling policy that promotes waste reduction at the University that includes recycling, reuse, composting, and green purchasing. Policy AD34 University Recycling Program states the University’s commitment toward sustainability and environmental resource conservation. Penn State’s recycling policy includes plastics and recycling sorting bins are provided throughout campuses.
The University Recycling Program policy was designed to ease the University’s reliance on landfilling University-generated solid waste, to comply with state guidelines, and with state and local laws and ordinances, and to develop and implement a policy that will promote waste reduction at the University to include recycling, reuse, composting, and green purchasing.
The Waste Stream Task Force Report provides a Sustainable Procurement Policy (beginning on p. 63) and recommendations for multiple priority areas (starting on page 10). Reducing plastic bags on campus is listed as a priority.
The Plastic Recycling at Penn State site promotes that the recovery rate for plastics is about 75% and 50% for miscellaneous plastics.
Learn more about Penn State’s progress on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals HERE and on SDG15 HERE.