Studio for Sustainability and Social Action Biennial Symposium & Exhibition
April 22, 2021 - April 24, 2021
Join Penn State College of Arts and Architecture’s Studio for Sustainability and Social Action’s biennial Symposium and Exhibition organized around five themes: Care, Water, Food, Shelter and Cost.
Where do we go, as the world around us changes dramatically, and resources for the arts diminish? What kind of arts and culture sustain us through social isolation while bolstering the future we want to live in? The Studio for Sustainability and Social Action (S3A) inaugural symposium and exhibition is organized around five themes: Care – Water – Food – Shelter – Cost. The virtual programming provides opportunities for the exploration of different formats—including virtual workshops, performances, artist lectures, and other modalities of experiential learning and remote participation. Centered on sustainability and social action, the exhibition and symposium will create convergences and collaborations that further intersect with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. With the exhibition at the center of our inaugural symposium, we have invited artists from each of our five fundamental themes: Brandon Ballengee, Katie Holten, Roberto Lugo, Stacy Levy, and Future Farmers. We also have a closing keynote from renowned climate scientist Michael Mann.