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M.E. John Seminar Series (organized by the Rural Sociology program) is bringing to campus Adam Welz on Thursday, October 26. and Friday, October 27. Adam Welz is a South African environmental journalist and the author of “The End of Eden: Wild Nature in the Age of Climate Breakdown.” He writes about biodiversity and wildlife conservation.

Thursday, October 26
133 Sparks
2:00-3:00pm: The ethics of wildlife management and conservation
3:15-4:15pm: Writing about nature and the environment
Friday, October 27
Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library
The End of Eden
Most media coverage of climate breakdown focuses on humans. Very little attention is paid to its effects on the millions of wild species that share the planet with us, even though most of them are far more vulnerable than us. Welz will talk about why he wrote his new book, The End of Eden, and engage in robust discussion with the audience about the book’s vital subject. First 10 attendees will receive a free autographed copy!