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Join us for the Global Sustainable Action: It Starts with Us Conference on Nov. 17, 2024, at the Penn State University Park campus. The Global Sustainable Action (GSA) Conference is a part of the Global Sustainable Action Weekend! This annual event showcases the vital link between culture and sustainability, deepening intercultural understanding and fostering respect for diversity. Attendees will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, practices, and insights to raise global awareness while expanding our collective commitment to sustainable actions. Centered on United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, the conference will explore how we can make our cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

There will be student, faculty, and staff presenters from Penn State’s Abington, Berks, Lehigh Valley, Schuylkill, and University Park campuses. In addition, there will be over 100 students from 15 Commonwealth Campuses present!

Open to all, this is your chance to share your passion for sustainability and connect with like-minded individuals across the Penn State community. Don’t miss this inspiring opportunity to network and learn more about sustainability!